Forest Carbon Partnership Facility Capacity Building on REDD+ for Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples in East Asia and the Pacific and South Asia Regions Project (P153585)

The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) is a global partnership that has been assisting 48 tropical countries in the Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America and Caribbean (LCR) regions in their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation; support forest carbon stock conservation; sustainably manage forests; and enhance forest carbon stocks (commonly termed REDD+). The Facility consists of representatives of REDD countries, financial contributors, private sector, southern civil society organizations (CSOs), and forest-dependent Indigenous Peoples (IPs). During recent years, the FCPF through a Capacity Building Program (CBP) has been channeling funds to provide forest-dependent IPs, other forest dwellers and southern CSOs with information, knowledge and awareness on REDD+ in order to enhance their understanding of key principles and processes, and by extension their capability to engage more meaningfully in the implementation of REDD+-related activities and programs.

The CBP has had two phases of funding starting in 2009. In Phase 2, which is coming to its set closing date in December 2019 in the Asia-Pacific and Africa regions, and in June 2020 in the LCR region, IPs organizations (IPOs) and CSOs from the three regions have been empowered as Intermediary Organizations to distribute financial and technical support to southern CSOs and IPOs selected by them from FCPF countries in their respective regions. The Intermediary Organizations in the Asia-Pacific Region are Tebtebba (Indigenous Peoples’ International Centre for Policy Research and Education, focusing on forest-dependent IPs) and the Asia Network for Sustainable Agriculture and Bioresources (ANSAB, focusing on southern CSOs).

Project Complaints Processing and Resolution

Indigenous peoples and other interested stakeholders may raise some feedback or complaints on the sub-grant/consultancies’ award decisions, governance of the project and other issues specific to the project.

Feedbacks or complaints must be sent to the PMT in writing, duly signed by the complainant/s, including contact details through email (, fax (+63 74 4439459) or courier (please address email to Ms. Helen Valdez, Tebtebba PMTL, No. 1 Roman Ayson Rd., Baguio City 2600, Philippines).

The PMT will be fully responsible for recording, referring and tracking the complaint. It should acknowledge receipt of complaint within 5 working days upon receipt.

The PMT undertakes an initial discussion with the complainant and propose a response within 15 working days upon receipt of the complaint. If the complainant agrees, the proposed action is implemented.

In case the complainant does not agree on the proposed action of the PMT, the PMT will compose a Grievance Committee composed of two (2) representatives of the Management Committee of Tebtebba and two (2) members of the RSC.

When applicable, one of the members of the RSC to sit in the Grievance Committee shall be from the same country where the feedback/complaint originated.

Resolutions or outcomes of complaints received shall be properly documented.

With support from
Forest Carbon Partnership Facility