Project Assessment Workshop

Project Assessment Workshop

The regional project assessment was organized under Component 2 (Sub-component 2.1: Regional Learning and Exchange) with the following objectives: 1) To bring together representatives of indigenous peoples and their organizations involved in capacity building sub-projects financed by the project to share their experiences and good practices in project implementation;  2) To identify facilitating and hindering factors in sub-project implementation for IPs and other forest dwellers; 3) To unite on possible ways to address hindering issues and concerns and maximize good practices; and 4) To discuss additional capacity building needs of IPs and other forest dwellers.

Held in Bangkok, Thailand in September 13-14, 2019, the workshop gathered 23 participants from sub-grantee organizations, representatives of the Regional Steering Committee (RSC), ANSAB and the World Bank (WB).  The agenda included presentations, work groups, and questions and answers.


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