Training of Trainers on Forest Carbon Accounting

Training of Trainers on Forest Carbon Accounting


Organized under Component 2 (Regional Exchange and Sharing of Lessons Learned), this Regional Training of Trainers on Forest Carbon Accounting for IPs was conducted on March 2019 in the Philippines. The objectives were:

Training Objectives:

  1. To increase understanding of IP participants on the role and contributions of indigenous peoples in sustainable forest management and REDD+;
  2. Train representatives of indigenous peoples’ organizations and forest dependent communities involved in the REDD+ readiness processes in participatory carbon monitoring to enable them to train their respective communities; and
  3. Trained IPs to be able to actively engage in the monitoring aspects during ERPD implementation.

The course comprised of lectures, discussions, group works, fieldwork and data analysis. Participants were from five countries namely: Kingdom of Bhutan, Republic of Fiji, Republic of Indonesia, Nepal, Republic of the Philippines and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

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