Asia-Pacific FCPF Capacity Building Project on REDD+ for Indigenous Peoples: Launch Workshop

Asia-Pacific FCPF Capacity Building Project on REDD+ for Indigenous Peoples: Launch Workshop

The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Capacity Building Program (CBP) of the Readiness Fund on REDD+ is now on its 3rd and final phase.  Only three (3) ERP countries are eligible for this phase namely Republic of Fiji, Nepal, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam under Component 1 (National Capacity Building and Awareness Raising). The approved sub-projects will pilot key elements of REDD+, such as safeguards, grievance redress mechanisms, benefit sharing arrangements, monitoring, and carbon accounting. In relation to COVID-19, the sub-projects included a platform to address knowledge gaps among indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities on the impacts of the pandemic. Five (5) sub-projects were selected through a transparent process of call for proposals and screening with the support of experts and members of the project’s Regional Steering Committee (RSC).

The project launch workshop was organized under Component 2 (Regional Exchange and Sharing Lessons Learned) to provide 1) Provide project partners an orientation on the status of the CBP, the new environmental and social framework and the project’s results and monitoring framework; 2) Consult, clarify and level off on project implementation and compliance to reporting requirements; and 3) Bring project partners together to network, share and learn from each other’s context and project strategies.

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