Asia-Pacific FCPF Capacity Building on REDD+ Project: Regional Sharing Workshop

Asia-Pacific FCPF Capacity Building on REDD+ Project: Regional Sharing Workshop

The Asia-Pacific FCPF Capacity Building on REDD+ Project Regional Sharing Workshop was jointly organized by the implementing organizations of the FCPF CBP Phase 3. Held on 12-14 February 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand, the workshop had the following objectives (i) Share first-hand experiences, achievements, challenges and lessons learned from the IPLC organizations implementing sub-projects on capacity building in Fiji, Nepal and Vietnam; (ii) Share country/regional level experiences on capacity building of IPLCs and their meaningful participation and inclusion in REDD+ and ERP processes, programs and projects of relevant governments and donors; and (iii) Consolidate gaps, barriers, challenges, good practices and lessons learned and draw specific and practical recommendations to improve effective participation and inclusion of IPLCs in REDD+ and Emission Reductions Program (ERP) processes, programs and projects including access to benefits.

The workshop gathered 65 representatives from the FCPF countries which included representatives from the IPOs and CSOs implementing the sub-projects, REDD+ focal points from ERP countries, CSO/IP FCPF observers in the region, members of the Regional Steering Committee (RSC) for IPs, Regional Advisory Committee (RAC) for CSOs and LCs, regional organizations working on REDD+ and the World Bank (WB).

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