Towards Delivering Climate Justice in the Green Climate Fund [1233–2019–280–DR]

01 July 2019 – 30 June 2020

In this project, Both ENDS, Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) and Tebtebba work jointly towards an enhanced infrastructure for CSOs to claim their role in climate finance decision making processes at the international, national and local level, and work towards better climate finance policies and better projects via their advocacy; and ensure increased access to climate justice for affected communities, including indigenous peoples and women-led groups.

This is achieved by working on three interrelated - and mutually reinforcing - objectives:

  1. To strengthen the capacities of targeted constituencies to engage in climate finance policy dialogues at local and national levels and to access climate funds
  2. To improve the policies and projects of GCF and to amplify and strengthen the voices of Indigenous Peoples, local communities and women.
  3. To create a platform for information sharing and learning on the Green Climate Fund between civil society groups

Activities to be undertaken by Tebtebba:

  1. National Policy Dialogue and advocacy support
  2. Continuing participation of the Indigenous Peoples’ Advocacy Team for the GCF in the GCF Board Meetings to monitor and intervene as needed
  3. Briefing papers/Policy Briefs
  4. Technical Review of Funding Proposals


Tebtebba launched a training for next generation indigenous leaders, including indigenous women and youth. The goal of the training is to equip these leaders with a clear understanding of their rights and skills to undertake sustained advocacy with their governments and in key global processes, and lead in initiatives and actions that help strengthen and develop their communities and organizations. Part of the advocacy training is a webinar series on the “Green Climate Fund and Indigenous Peoples” on September 2021.

These videos summarize the inputs in the training that aims to introduce/provide a general overview of the Green Climate Fund, its general architecture and the different actors; with particular focus on indigenous peoples issues.

GCF and Indigenous Peoples: Overview

This video gives an introduction of the Green Climate Fund, its history, purpose, structure, basic architecture, and its operations.

GCF and Indigenous Peoples: Key Actors in the GCF

It shows the organigram of the Green Climate Fund, how its board operates, the different actors and stakeholders and their role in the Fund.

GCF and Indigenous Peoples: The GCF IP Policy

This video talks about the aspirations of the Green Climate Fund Indigenous Peoples Policy. It also gives brief description of the policy’s objectives, principles and means of operationalization on the ground.

GCF and Indigenous Peoples: Funding Proposal in the GCF

All about the Green Climate Fund Funding Proposals- who can submit, how to submit, what project ideas are bankable and what is the process of vetting these proposals.

GCF and Indigenous Peoples: Key Issues of IPs

How does the GCF policy on indigenous peoples be implemented? This video presents a case study of the independent redress mechanism of the GCF works.
and funding support from