The Indigenous Peoples Advisory Group (IPAG) to the Green Climate Fund (GCF)

The Indigenous Peoples Advisory Group (IPAG) to the Green Climate Fund (GCF)


The Green Climate Fund (GCF) in 2018 approved its Indigenous Peoples Policy[1]. This policy is intended to assist the GCF in incorporating Indigenous Peoples’ (IP) considerations into decision-making processes as they work to achieve climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives[2]

The Indigenous Peoples policy of the Fund established the definition of structures that are essential for the incorporation of issues identified as relevant by Indigenous Peoples. One of these structures is the Indigenous Peoples Advisory Group (IPAG), which was established to:

“(a) to provide advice to the indigenous peoples focal point, national designated authorities, and accredited entities and executing entities on GCF-financed activities affecting indigenous peoples; (b) to review the implementation and monitoring of this Policy, particularly on the appropriate modality to enhance dialogue among indigenous peoples, GCF, states, accredited entities and executing entities, and other experts; and (c) provide guidance and advice to the Board as may be requested”[3].

It is understood by Indigenous Peoples that the IPAG is the platform to more efficiently incorporate the rights-based approach that Indigenous Peoples expect in climate finance actions that may affect their lands and territories. 

The Indigenous Peoples Advisory Group to the Green Climate Fund (IPAG)

After a considerable time of waiting, the GCF issued the public call for regional nominations for the IPAG in November 2021. The definition of the representatives constituting the IPAG was made through the self-selection of Indigenous Peoples through the large regional networks.  The IPAG will be constituted by 4 representatives of Indigenous Peoples, and their respective alternates from the regions of the Global South: Africa, Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Pacific. 


[1]   The Indigenous Peoples policy decision can be found in documentation B.19/11.

[2]   See the Indigenous Peoples Policy of the Green Climate Fund. B.19/11 at:

[3] Indigenous People Policy. B.19/11. Párrafo 81.

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