Indigenous Navigator Initiative

The Indigenous Navigator Initiative was developed in response to the need for quality data that can be fed into existing human rights and sustainable development monitoring processes at local, national, regional and international levels. The tools facilitate indigenous communities’ own generation of quality data on their situation and simultaneously enhances their awareness of their rights. The Indigenous Navigator monitors the implementation of:
  • The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples;
  • Core human rights conventions as they pertain to indigenous peoples;
  • Essential aspects of the Sustainable Development Goals;
  • The outcomes of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples.

This initiative is implemented by a consortium composed of the International Labour Organization (ILO), International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA), Tebtebba, Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP), Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR), and the Forest Peoples Programme (FPP).

Tebtebba is in charge of implementing country level activities (data gathering, advocacy, capacity building, and implementation of pilot projects) in Kenya, Tanzania, and the Philippines.  Tebtebba is also co-convening the Indigenous Peoples Major Group for Sustainable Development (IPMG) with the International Indian Treaty Council (IITC), which is supported by this initiative. The IPMG monitors the implementation of the SDGs in line with the UNDRIP at the national, regional, and global level. The IPMG’s work is supported by its Global Coordinating Committee composed of seven regional focal organizations with designated focal persons and representatives of indigenous women and youth and the two convenors of the IPMG.

Indigenous Navigator


Facebook: Indigenous Navigator; (Philippines) Indigenous Navigator Philippines

Twitter: @IndigenousData




Facebook: Indigenous Peoples Major Group on the SDGs

Twitter: @IPMGSDG

With the support of
European Commission
Tamalpais Trust