Submission: Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform

Submission: Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform
Submission from Tebtebba (Indigenous Peoples’ International Centre for Policy Research and Education) to SBSTTA 50 on Decision 2/CP 24, Paragraph 23: Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform:  February 28, 2019
Possible activities related to the implementation of all three functions on knowledge, capacity for engagement, and climate change policies and actions, of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform.



This submission is guided by the Paris Agreement preambular paragraph:  “Acknowledgingthat climate change is a common concern of humankind, Parties should, when taking action to address climate change, respect, promote and consider their respective obligations on human rights, the right to health, the rights of indigenous peoples, local communities, migrants, children, persons with disabilities and people in vulnerable situations and the right to development, as well as gender equality, empowerment of women and intergenerational equity.”

It is also in accordance with Decision 1/CP 21, Paragraph 135 which “Recognizes the need to strengthen knowledge, technologies, practices and efforts of local communities and indigenous peoples related to addressing and responding to climate change, and establishes a platform for the exchange of experiences and sharing of best practices on mitigation and adaptation in a holistic and integrated manner.”

It conforms with Decision 2/CP 24  on Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform“Emphasizing that the purpose and functions of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform and its Facilitative Working Group will be carried out consistent with international law,”  and also “Emphasizing, in its entirety, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the context of the implementation of the functions of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform involving indigenous peoples.”

It is further guided by Decision 2/CP 24, paragraph 16 that  “Invites Parties, local communities and indigenous peoples to take into consideration the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform and its functions at the local, national and regional level in order to enhance the engagement and inclusion of indigenous peoples and local communities to facilitate the exchange of experience and the sharing of best practices and lessons learned on mitigation and adaptation in a holistic and integrated manner.”

While emphasizing the given situation wherein local communities and indigenous peoples are at the forefront of direct impacts, vulnerabilities and risks to climate change, this submission also continues to reaffirm the significant roles and contributions of  traditional knowledge,  knowledge of indigenous peoples, local knowledge systems;  and the need to strengthen these knowledge, technologies, practices and efforts of local communities and indigenous peoples related to addressing and responding to climate change, and in the achievement of the targets and goals set in the Convention, the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  


Proposed Activities under the Three Functions of the LCIP Platform:

In general, this submission acknowledges that the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platformhas three defined main functions, which should be interlinked and which should inform the content of the platform. Under these three functions, as defined from earlier UNFCCC reports and submissions, the following possible activities are being proposed below:

1. Knowledge: The platform should focus on validating, documenting and sharing experience and best practices, respecting the unique nature of and need to safeguard indigenous and local community knowledge systems:

1.1  Regional expert workshops on agreed priority thematic areas of  knowledge, innovations and technologies on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation:  During the first two years, each of the seven regions will organize at least one regional expert workshop on agreed priority thematic areas of  knowledge, innovations and technologies for knowledge exchange, discussions and documentation. Prior to the regional expert workshops, concept notes will be developed with guidelines and call for case studies on local communities and indigenous peoples’ knowledge, technologies and innovations in strengthening community resilience in addressing climate change adaptation and mitigation. Case studies at community/subnational level will be documented by indigenous peoples and local communities to be submitted and presented at the regional expert workshops/consultations. Indigenous women as holders and transmitters of knowledge shall be given a balanced representation in these workshops and development of case studies; with a section on how intergenerational transmission of knowledge, technologies and innovations are practiced.

1.2 Globalin-session expert workshop/event in conjunction with COP26 and following COPs:  This will serve as the global learning exchange workshop/event on thematic areas deliberated at regional expert workshops with multi-stakeholder representatives from the regions.   Reports from the regional expert workshops will then be presented at annual in-session workshop or global learning exchange event with representatives from the regions, to be organized under the UNFCCC COP26. This will result to a consolidated and published global report on Indigenous Peoples’ Knowledge, Technologies and Innovations on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation; with concrete recommendations for climate change policies and actions at national, regional and at the global UNFCCC processes.

1.3 Continuing support for an Indigenous Peoples Day and Indigenous Peoples Pavilion in conjunction with the UNFCCC COPs: This is a best practice for the previous COPs since the Lima COP20 and sustained up to COP24. This provides an opportunity and space for global and regional knowledge exchange on traditional knowledge, knowledge of indigenous peoples, and local knowledge systems in climate change adaptation and mitigation.

2.  Climate change policies and actions: the platform should facilitate the integration of diverse knowledge systems, practices and innovations in relevant climate change related actions, programmes and policies, and engage indigenous peoples and local communities:

2.1 Published reports from the regional and global workshops on Indigenous Peoples’ Knowledge, Technologies and Innovations on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation; with concrete recommendations to be integrated to climate change policies and actions at national, regional and at the global UNFCCC processes. The reports will likewise inform the UNFCCC Intersessional Sessions and COPs on specific recommendations and decisions on relevant thematic areas.

2.2 Integration of specific sections of the report on “Indigenous Peoples’ Knowledge, Technologies and Innovations on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation” and relevant recommendations in the NDCs, NAPs and other related decisions, programmes and actions under the UNFCCC and relevant national programmes and policies on climate change.  This will contribute to the implementation of the LCIP platform at national /subnational levels to ensure the strengthening of indigenous peoples’ rights, knowledge systems, technologies and innovations and knowledge exchange platforms.

2.3 Special report or section on “Traditional knowledge, Knowledge of indigenous Peoples and Local Knowledge Systems” in the next IPCC report. The FWG on the LCIP Platform will coordinate with the IPCC to prepare and integrate a special report on “Traditional knowledge, Knowledge of indigenous Peoples and Local Knowledge Systems” with specific recommendations to facilitate the integration of diverse knowledge systems, practices and innovations in relevant climate change-related actions, programmes and policies at national, regional, and global levels.

3. Capacity for engagement: the platform should build the capacities of indigenous peoples and local communities to enable their engagement in the UNFCCC process, including the implementation of the Paris Agreement, and other climate change-related processes.

3.1 Assessment of capacities, training needs and education resources of indigenous peoples engaging at the UNFCCC processes. This will serve as basis for the FWG to develop and prioritize capacity building and training needs and program for more effective engagement in the UNFCCC. This will also cover a scoping of relevant education and training materials already in use for Indigenous Peoples and other constituencies, so as not to duplicate efforts and resources already there.

3.2 Map out relevant organizations, networks and mechanisms conducting capacity building activities for effective engagement during UNFCCC processes. This will serve as information on which organizations/networks and mechanisms that the FWG-LCIP Platform will build partnerships with in the conduct of planned capacity building and training activities under the platform.

3.3 Organize prioritized capacity building and training workshops on specific thematic areas and priority concerns of Indigenous Peoples and local communities engaging in the UNFCCC processes; and at regional and national climate processes.


Over-all and crosscutting concerns:

Under each function, the implementation of activities should connect the local, national, regional and global levels in order to be effective in interlinking climate change contributions and solutions.  Funds and other resource support must be provided by the UNFCCC to ensure the effective implementation of the LCIP Platform work plan, especially at the global to regional levels.

Modalities of coordination will be defined through the FWG-LCIP Platform and the UNFCCC subsidiary bodies and COPs, with UNFCCC Secretariat support. Corresponding work and financial plans specific to the three functions of the LCIP Platform will be developed by the FWG with the support of UNFCCC secretariat.

One of the recommendations under the LCIP Platform is for the UNFCCC Secretariat to designate an Indigenous Peoples Focal Point, which will primarily support the work of the FWG-LCIP Platform; and other priority concerns of Indigenous Peoples under the UNFCCC.

As an integral component of the overall LCIP Platform implementation, the FWG shall conduct annual monitoring and provide progress reports on how the three functions of the LCIP platform had been implemented in line with the implementation of Decision 1/CP21, Paragraph 135 under the UNFCCC, and at regional, national, subnational levels.

Further guidance from Decision2/CP24, Paragraph 23 on Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform will be developed further by the FWG in the implementation of the three functions of the LCIP Platform for consideration by the SBSTA 50 recommendations for COP 25 decision.


For further information, please contact: Ms. Grace Balawag at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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