Inputs for the Next Forum of the SCF on “Finance for Nature-Based Solutions”

Inputs for the Next Forum of the SCF on “Finance for Nature-Based Solutions”

I. Scope and Purpose of the Forum

We welcome the theme of the next SCF Forum that aims to talk about Finance for Nature Based-Solutions as this is a very important issue that needs deeper understanding and discussions among various stakeholders especially a subtheme on indigenous peoples.

Additionally, we are proposing the following to be considered in further shaping the objectives and the overall purpose of the Forum.

  1. Human Rights and NBS as an underpinning element that will guide the objective of the Forum. Specifically, we would want to see a dedicated session in the Forum that talks about indigenous peoples and NBS. This maybe a sub-theme or a part of the theme on Harnessing local community and indigenous knowledge, gender responsive policies, climate resilience and adaptation, technology and capacity-building. This session may want to dig deeper into the following:
  • Securing land rights of indigenous peoples and nature-based solutions
  • Mapping of existing finances for NBS directed or implemented with and in indigenous peoples’ territories and their impacts.
  • Indigenous Peoples’ definitions and examples of applied Nature- Based Solutions; and
  • Indigenous Peoples access to NBS finance. This will look at lessons learned from international funding institutions and that will guide how NBS finance and Indigenous Peoples should look like

Related to this, we would also strongly recommend that the SCF provides support for actual participation of indigenous peoples and local communities representatives in the Forum. Indigenous Peoples are one of the recognized constituencies under the UNFCCC. As emphasized in the Paris Agreement, all climate change actions and response measures should recognize and respect the rights, knowledge and practices of indigenous peoples. In COP 23, the UNFCCC adopted a decision on the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform, identifying a new pathway for its further operationalization to strengthen the knowledge, technologies, practices and efforts of Indigenous peoples; to facilitate the exchange of experience and best practices on mitigation and adaptation; and

  1. Definition of NBS - There is a need for different stakeholders, including the states, conservation groups, UN organizations, the private sector, CSOs, indigenous peoples and local communities to better understand what NBS means. While a lot of written literature attempt to define NBS, we believe that these definitions may be limited as they are usually “defined”/written by big conservation entities, coalitions and regional government bodies which may not necessarily reflect values and principle of other rights holders such as indigenous peoples and local communities.
  2. Under this theme, we propose that the Forum looks into the following:
  • What are the common elements, principles or components of NBS according to different stakeholders, taking particular consideration to the marginalized and most vulnerable sectors, including civil society organizations, women, and indigenous peoples?
  • Should there be no-go zones or exclusion lists when referring to NBS?
  • What are the current challenges and opportunities in terms of NBS finance?
  1. NBS and post-COVID-19 recovery. COVID-19 and related state actions will indisputably affect how climate actions, specifically NBS will be carried out in the enhance the engagement of Indigenous peoples in the UNFCCC process. These could only be possible if indigenous peoples are present are their voices are heard in different climate change forums.

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