Call for inputs: Country visit to Ecuador 19-29 Nov 2018

Call for inputs: Country visit to Ecuador 19-29 Nov 2018

The Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples is collecting information in preparation of her country visit to Ecuador scheduled to take place from 19 to 29 November 2018.

In accordance with the established practice of mandate-holders, the Special Rapporteur welcomes all relevant submissions that indigenous organisations and other stakeholders may wish to transmit for her consideration in preparation of this visit, such as:

  • Recent analytical reports or surveys on indigenous peoples in Ecuador
  • Information on the policy, programmes and legal framework with respect to indigenous peoples
  • Priority issues/concerns and situations that warrant the attention of the Special Rapporteur
  • Suggestions on issues to examine and related locations to visit
  • Contact info for indigenous organisations and civil society representatives to meet in different regions in relation to suggested locations to visit

Kindly submit information by 30 September 2018 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please indicate "Visit to Ecuador 2018" in the subject heading of the email submission.


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