
Due Date: Expressions of Interest (EOI) must be received by 5PM PDT on February 7, 2022 


The David and Lucile Packard Foundation aims to improve the lives of children, families, and communities—and restore and protect our planet. The Agriculture, Livelihoods, and Conservation (ALC) strategy builds upon the Foundation’s experience with climate and land use and aims to support communities in strengthening resilience and improving livelihoods while simultaneously protecting tropical forests and biodiversity. The hypothesis of ALC is that conservation and development goals in tropical regions with significant smallholder agriculture can be most effectively achieved through policies and actions that support smallholder livelihoods and community wellbeing, combined with effective regional planning and natural resource management. 

Objective and Scope 

The Agriculture, Livelihoods, and Conservation (ALC) strategy aims to amplify successful models that promote the adoption and financing of effective conservation and development approaches that prioritize smallholder farmers and forest dependent communities. Facilitating networking and information sharing among leaders and organizations implementing these approaches is essential to the ALC strategy. A well networked community of smallholder farmer and forest-dependent, multisectoral approach advocates is necessary to influence policymakers and development and conservation actors at local, national, and global levels. To support knowledge sharing and networking efforts, the Packard Foundation’s Agriculture Livelihoods and Conservation (ALC) program is issuing a targeted request for proposals for projects, organizations, and collaboratives that strengthen relationships among individuals and institutions aiming to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and/or forest dependent communities while also conserving forest resources in tropical forest areas. 

ALC plans to support new or existing projects, organizations, and coalitions whose core objectives include relationship building and knowledge sharing. Objectives can be reached through any number of activities, including learning exchanges, convenings, and collective advocacy, but must address the needs of smallholder farmers and or/forest dependent communities and tropical forest conservation. The ALC strategy prioritizes support for women, young people, and Indigenous people. Projects that address the specific needs of these populations are of particular interest. Organizations and coalitions that are led by women, young people, and Indigenous people are strongly encouraged to apply. 

Regional and international projects are welcome; however, the lead organization must be based in one of the countries identified below. 

ALC will provide between $200,000 and $500,000 of funding to two or more organizations over a period of two years. 

Download full document for more information.